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  • Posted by infinitybbc 10 years, 3 months ago
    words of wisdom here from Ron Paul regarding Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged: Individualism unto LIBERTY (as opposed to Collectivism unto slavery/tyranny) is the key message presented. share and help the sleeping masses wake up! 8-)
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  • Posted by Jeanne101 10 years, 3 months ago
    I wish Rand Paul knew Capitalism requires a strong civilian court system: records, contracts, legal precedents instead of church, military affiliations. Their political laws are not compatible with the legal needs of people. People need their own legal context, and a legal trade that can provide it.
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  • Posted by Mark 10 years ago
    I appreciated the appearances of Ron Paul, Hannity, and Beck in Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? (in contrast to the review in the Objectivist Standard). I think they contribute positively to the message. I highly recommend seeing the movie in the theater (I.e. don't wait for the DVD). I'm urging my liberal, conservative, and libertarian friends alike.
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  • Posted by patricking 10 years, 3 months ago
    I wish Atlas Shrugged had given you the courage to stand up the Xtians rather than knuckle under to them. You cannot be an Objectivist and also an Xtian. Rand makes nothing clearer than she makes that. Stamp out the lie that "God" exists.
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    • Posted by amhunt 10 years, 3 months ago
      It seems to me that God is a premise. One can always ask "What is the origin of the universe?" and for that matter "what is the origin of God?"
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      • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 3 months ago
        To most people there must be a boggy man to dread and hate or else one does not have a balance or counterpoint to love and desire.

        "God" acts as that for some. They spend their entire lives fighting against and proclaiming that there is no God. It just seems odd that they MUST make certain that in every conversation they proclaim and reaffirm their assurance that God does not exist even if God has not been mentioned in the conversation.

        One can only hope that there is as great a desire FOR some other thing or goal in their life. The hate, fear, distaste for God must have some balance. I hope.
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        • Posted by amhunt 10 years, 3 months ago
          An interesting point and well put. Sadly some (certainly not all) carry their behavior to the level of zealotry just as some do with the God view. Both sides have thoughts and ideas that I find interesting -- I just wish the zealots (both sides) were not willing to force their point of view upon me.
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 3 months ago
            Yes. I am a Christian and I don't make any apologies for that, but if you don't share that point of view with me, that's OK. We can celebrate the things we DO share in common, enjoying each others COMMON stands.

            I don't agree with One of our favorite authors either. I really don't agree with the guy running the country right now! BUT I don't go running around in circles like my hair's on fire!

            I promise to never force anybody to agree with my views on religion (I won't even mention it unless you do) - please don't and show me the courtesy of not treating me like I'm a leper, have aids or even some horrid mental illness.
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